Friday, August 13, 2004

"Speak for yourself. Question authority" - Maynard

Do words insult you? Do you find yourself frequently upset over the behavior of others? Can you blame most of the problems in your life on somone else? Then please by all means, join the human race. When are people going to start realizing that life doesn't revolve around your hair or your clothes or your car or even your friends? It's what you do with your short time here that counts. I know it sounds tacky but your legacy is worth nothing if you spend your days lying to yourself and appeasing others. DO WHAT YOU WANT TO DO. Break something, burn something, kill something, build something, grow something, smoke something, and leave everything behind. GET THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR APARTMENT. Make goals and then break them! We have the power to do anything and you're sitting at the computer reading my nonsensicle tirade against a society of cock blockery. Fucking Republicans. You wouldn't call this an editorial, it's called soon-to-be-an-addition-to-this-sick-sad-world angst. I'm writing because it's fun and I can look back at my time spent here and remeber how great it feels just to speak my mind. I wouldn't trade a single second spent with my awesome friends playing video games, or getting drunk, or watching movies, or screaming at Aaron, or playing walleyball, or making fun of the weird people at the bookstore. To anyone I've ever encoutered and connected with, our time was not wasted because we haven't spoken in a long time. We can prove anything we want to ourselves and that is all that is important. Everything in this universe DOES evolve around you. We can't enter anyone elses head, we don't have the capability to do this and we never will. Even if we invented something that interpreted the frequencies of brain patterns to accurately decipher what a person is thinking, that is as artificial as the compents manufactured to fabricate such a slanderous misuse of technology. Just because John Doe has a tumor in his frontal lobe doesn't mean his brain is broken. He just sees things differently than everyone else. You can instituationalize all the people you want, but you can't cease evolution. To quote the great Andrew W.K., "you can't stop what you can't end". Even the constants of every science are only exact to the parameters of this time. During the stages of the early universe the parameters of gravity and the speed of light were different because those constans are a function of the balance of everything. Is it so hard to believe that the balance has shifted due to the existence of life and advanced organisms? Stars have exploded and galaxies have collapsed. Our fundamental explanation of life even dictates that, to adapt, all things must change in time. So there ya have it, life is as you see it and no one can take that away. If you want to be happy then be happy, and if you want to be a melancholy drain on those that care about you, then by all means go ahead and serve your meaningless existance. I just hope that everyone takes advantage of everything on this planet to appease your selfish insignificant mind because that is all the human race can do and has done since the beginning. Maynard was right about evolution, it happens too slow. But, it's just so easy to point the finger and blame others and I am a victim of slow evolution so I'll join the masses and take one for the team. A team where no one knows the players and everyone is playing a different game. But I'll play, and I'll blame you for my bullshit just to appease my broken spirit. LISTEN TO TOOL

I know the pieces fit cuz I watched them tumble down
No fault, none to blame it doesn't mean I don't desire to
Point the finger, blame the other, watch the temple topple over.
To bring the pieces back together, rediscover communication - "Schism" Lateralus


At 12:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i seriously think u are a huge poser and anyone who really knows u thinks u r too.ofcorse all ur friends wont say u are b/c u are the company that u keep. u should really shut the fuck up about quoting tool b/c uve only begun to touch the surface of what doin watever the fuck u want when u want. so why dont u stop preaching and start living u emo son of a bitch ps. blog is a good way to get ur emotions out and a really gay way to u peice of shit.
black and white are all i see
in my infancy

At 6:41 PM, Blogger Daniel Cohen said...

I love you too. Next time, if your going to bash me, leave your name. I'd say I was hurt, but it's to be expected at this point. And that's extremely sad. I'll see you at the dinner table.

At 4:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

music can be interpreted and enjoyed in a number ways. tool delivers a complex variety of sounds, ideas, and opinions that are present in virtually all their songs, videos and titles, for that matter. to say that one cannot appreciate, quote, or enjoy their music because you dont beleive that they have experienced its full potential is ignorant and selfish. who are you dictate who can and cannot enjoy, interpret, and comprehend the complexity of the of certain bands, lyrics and sounds? perhaps, if anything, you enjoy tool differently, not more.
furthermore, dans blog is a great source of intellect, entertainment and personal opinions. its unfortunate that having a blog is jaded, however dan has surpassed the generic use of such a forum. hes a genuine person and its sad that his own blood cant see that.

Someone told me once
that there's a right and wrong,
and that punishment
would come to those
who dare to cross the line.
But it must not be true
for jerk-offs like you.
Maybe it takes longer to catch a total asshole.

-tool, fucker

At 10:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. i really just feel sad and disgusted right now. to each his own, i like to say. my gosh, just live and let live, who cares what the other guy thinks? rock on, dan.



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